
Testosterone Pellet Therapy

testosterone pellet therapy

Your hormones affect almost every aspect of your physiology, emotions, and well-being. The key hormones involved are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Sometimes, there is an imbalance due to an underlying medical condition or just the natural aging process.

The most common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance include heavy bleeding, painful intercourse, and vaginal dryness. Other symptoms include, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, hair loss, bone loss, insomnia, and loss of collagen in the skin. If you are perimenopausal or menopausal, you may have a low level of the hormone, testosterone.

Women need testosterone to maintain their sexual health. Heights Women’s Health & Aesthetics offers a simple solution with testosterone pellet therapy. This is a three-minute procedure that is done in the office, by inserting a testosterone pellet through a small incision in your hip. Once your testosterone and hormones are balanced, you will expect the following benefits:

More energy, improved sleep, fewer headaches and migraines, better sex life, improved bone density, better mood, better mental clarity, and younger looking skin.

Do not suffer from your symptoms of imbalanced hormones, call and make an appointment today at 724-904-7062.

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