
Aesthetic Treatments

aesthetic treatment

Botox Injections

At Heights Women’s Health, we offer Botox injections to stop muscle movement and to temporarily smooth facial wrinkles. The goal is to improve overall facial appearance. The only neurotoxin we use is Botox, produced and distributed by Allergan Cosmetics. All injections are currently being done by Ashlee Durham, PA-C and we offer a competitive rate per unit.

Laser Aesthetics

We offer laser treatments with Cutera devices. Cutera is known for developing and perfecting laser technology and they have won many industry awards to prove it. These advanced treatments give precise and safe results in a setting that you are already comfortable in.

Laser Genesis

The Laser Genesis procedure utilizes non-ablative laser technology to safely, naturally, and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, diffuse redness, treat acne, and reduce the appearance of scars. You can expect to see consistent results after each treatment. Treatments are performed in a relaxed and comfortable manner, without any downtime. This is a great treatment before a special event if you want your skin to glow or to have done on a regular basis to increase collagen and cellular turnover. This treatment is safe for all skin types.

Hair Removal

Hair removal is our most popular treatment and with Cutera, we can treat all skin types! Reduce unwanted hair in as quickly as 30 minutes. This exceptional technology can treat your whole-body, including your face, underarms, legs, bikini area, Brazilian, areolas, ears, arms, chest, and back.

TruSculpt 3D

TruSculpt is an FDA approved and non-invasive treatment that is used for the reduction of fat cells in the body. This technology is clinically proven to provide an average of 24% reduction and each treatment is tailored to every patients’ unique needs. Areas that can be treated are the arms, thighs, flanks, abdomen, back, and chin.

We also offer laser treatments for pigmented and vascular lesions.

Please call 724-904-7062 for more information and a free consultation on any aesthetic treatment.

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